All Categories AI Tools Creating voiceovers with AI Text to Speech

Creating voiceovers with AI Text to Speech

By Francis Golden
August 15, 2023

You can create a voiceover using AI Text to Speech by taking the steps below:

Step 1: From your account dashboard or any other section, navigate to and select AI Tools from the options on the left panel.


Step 2: Select AI Text to Speech from the sub-menu that appears around the area.



Step 3: On the voiceover creation page, select your preferred language, gender, and voice in the form on the left, then type the voiceover transcript (or text) in the box on the right before clicking the Generate Audio button below it.


You can test the quality of the generated voiceover by clicking on the play button beside the Generate Audio button on the right or the one at the bottom of the form on the left.


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